Exposition Text


Building Blocks

An exposition text is a type of text that deals with the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the things that happen around us.

Social Function
The purpose of an exposition text is to persuade your audience to look at an issue with your perspective.

Example of Exposition Text
- Speech / Lectures
- Editorials
- Newspaper Articles
- Essays
- Political Leaflets
- Letters
- Legal Defenses

An Exposition Text needs to :
1. Clearly state the point of view.
2. Use valid research findings to support your viewpoint.
.3. Defend your viewpoint.
4. Support the viewpoint with factual data like graphs, pictures, charts.

Structure of Exposition Text
1. Title : Tells about the topic.
2. Introduction : States the thesis statement of your text.
3. Conclusion : Restatement of the thesis statement. Support the viewpoint with factual data like graphs, pictures, charts.

Example of Exposition Text
Cramming is Bad

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start studying weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for you and it is called cramming.

Cramming is the situation when students stay up until morning to study before their test. This habit can lead to negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is that disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses. For most students, less sleep can make them could not focus in the class. Additionally, cramming can leave us with “something that I have seen before” in our memory. However, being able to recognize something is not the same as being able to recall it. Besides that, each person has their different sleeping time, so some of them often use a stimulant for cramming. Furthermore, that stimulant gives bad effect to its consumers.

The example stimulant is coffee. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxiation Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on. To sum up, cramming is bad because it disturbs our regular sleep cycle which cause temporary intellectual lapses and using stimulant for cramming gives bad effect to our health.

Conclusion : 

An exposition text is a type of text that deals with the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the things that happen around us to persuade your audience to look at an issue with your perspective.


  1. It's good but you forget the conclusion part again😁 you also don't add a video on it, keep fighting!


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