Figurative Of Speech


Figurative of Speech is a figurative expression commonly used in both written and spoken literacy. Figures of speech are commonly used to beautify words in poetry and prose. Figures of speech are also often used on greeting cards, slogans, motto, and others. In other words, figure of speech is a figure of speech itself is it replace several sentences to make them more beautiful and more interesting. In figure of speech, sentences that are written sometimes do not contain a literal meaning but are only as expressions.
Type of Figurative of Speech :
1. Alliteration
is a figure of speech which has function to beautify a sentence. Alliteration is characterized by the repetition of the same or similar sound at the beginning of each word in a series. 
Example :
- She sells seashells ( dia menjual kerang laut )
- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers ( Peter Piper memetik sedikit acad paprika )
- Black bug bit a a big black bear ( serangga hitam menggigit seekor beruang hitam besar )
2.  Metaphor
are figure of speech which usually contain a figure of speech in which words of phrases applied to an object cannot be taken literally. Metaphor describes something as if it were something else as a parable, but still has the same meaning.
Example :
- Time is money ( waktu adalah uang )
- Heart of stone ( hati yang terbuat dari waktu )
- Life is a rollercoaster ( hidup itu seperti sebuah rollercoaster )
3. Onomatopoeia
The figure of speech above is a figure of speech that phonetically imitates, resembles, or voices the sound it describes. You can usually find this Onomatopoeia in comic books when the creator tries to describes a sound from an object. For example, when you see a picture in a comic that shows a shooting scene, you will understand that at that time a shooting scene was taking place when reading the Onomatopoeia "DORRRRR!!!"
Example :
- Click
- Buzz
- Splat
- Woosh
4. Personification
is a figure of speech that seems to give life to inanimate objects. You do this by describing these objects as doing something like humans. This figure of speech give an image as if the inanimate object is alive and doing activities that are usually done by living things such as dancing, nodding, roaring, and so on.
Example :
- The grass danced ( rumput yang menari )
- The wind howled ( angin yang menderu )
- The thunder grumbled ( guntur yang menggerutu )

5. Simile
is a figure of speech that is commonly used to compare something. Simile usually describes a person or thing as something similar to someone or something else. Simile is characterized by using words such as: as, like, similar to.
Example :
- Eats like a pig ( makan seperti babi )
- As wise as an owl ( sama bijaknya seperti burung hantu )
- As blind as a bat ( sama butanya seperti kelelawar )
6. Hyperbole 
is a figure of speech that intentionally uses exaggerated words or sentences. Hyperbole is commonly uses in poetry and speech to emphasize, evoke feelings and create strong impressions. Because hyperbole uses an exaggerated word, its meaning cannot be taken literally. 
Example :
- I could to this forever ( aku bisa melakukan ini selamanya )
- That must have cost a billion dollar ( itu pasti seharga miliaran dollar )
- Everybody knows that ( semua orang tahu itu )
7. Anaphora
is a figure of speech that has the characteristic of repeating a sequence of words at the beginning of an adjacent clause, thus giving an emphasis to the sentence. Anaphora is commonly used in writing rhymes, poetry or speech to make it sound more rhyming.
Example :
- I came, I saw, I conquered ( aku datang, aku meluhat, aku menaklukan )
- Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition! ( dunia yang gila! raja yang gila! perpaduan yang gila! )


Conclusion :
Figure of speech is a figure of speech itself is it replace several sentences to make them more beautiful and more interesting. In figure of speech, sentences that are written sometimes do not contain a literal meaning but are only as expressions.


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