
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Explanation Text

  BUILDING BLOCKS Explanation Text is a type of text in English that describes a process. Talking about the process, this text is almost the same as procedure text. However, if the procedure text describes how to do something (process), this text describes how a process occurs. That way, we can know that the explanation text serves to provide information to readers about a process.   Explanation Text characteristics:   1. Using the Simple Present Tense   2. Using Action Verbs   3. Using Passive Voices   4. Using Noun Phrases   5. Using the Technical Terms   6. Contains an explanation of the process   Generic Structure of Explanation Text :   1.General Statement Contains general information on topics to be discussed in the text.   2. Explanation Contains a series of events (sequence of events) from a process which is the topic of the text. We can also explain by using the why and how questions, so that the explanation we convey is more comprehensive. 3.Closing The closing or closing par

Cause & Effect

BUILDING BLOCKS   Cause and Effect is a type of paragraph that contains the author's analysis of cause and effect. This paragraph is begins with the causes which are outlined at the beginning of the sentence and is then drawn to a general conclusion which is the result of the described causes.  Example : - Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work. - The moon has gravitational pull, consequently the oceans have tides. - Since school was canceled, we went to the mall.   Generic structure :   The cause and effect paragraph has the following structure or generic structure : 1. Have a main idea of the topic of sentence that will be covered in the whole paragraph. 2. Have supporting details or supporting sentences in the form of causes. 3. End with a concluding sentence or a conclusion in the form of a result.   Clue words of Cause : - Because - Since - Cause - Reason - So that - Unless   Clue words of Effect : - If - Consequently - Therefore - Thus - Effect     Cause and


Hello Everyone.. How are you today? I hope you guys all right! Because, i am too. By the way, Happy New Year for all of us! Hopefully this year, we can get a lot of happiness. How quickly time has passed, it’s already 2021! Who’s excited about this? If we look at 2020, it’s very sad right? Many of our plans have been delayed due to the pandemic. However, we must go about our days as usual. Because life must keep going. But, i believe this pandemic will quickly end in this year! My hopes & plans in 2021 is : 1. The Covid-19 pandemic will end. 2. We can quickly feel free to life as usual. 3. Happiness will always accompany us all of times. 4. Improve my school grades. 5. Buying my favorite music album. 6. Going on vacation with my friends. I hope my plans for this year come true quickly! That’s all my blog, thank you for reading. By the way, do you have any plans too? If you have it, please let me know! See yaaaaa!