Hopes and Dreams


Assalamualaikum wr wb,
To Mr. President Joko Widodo

Now, Indonesia is being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been 1 year we have lived in together with fear. Sometimes I think, why is this pandemic in Indonesia not over yet? Is it because the people do not care, or because the government is not responsive in handling this problem? I don't know, this is all very sad.

I have dreams and hopes that Indonesia will be free from this pandemic in the near future, and maybe it is a dream for all of us. Therefore, I hope that President Joko Widodo will provide regulations that are expected to reduce this pandemic. And I also hope that these rules can be implemented properly by all of us.

And that is a little speech from me. Without diminishing my respect, I say thank you.

Wassalamualaikum wr wb


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